HCG GfA Winter Festival

3 Jul

The invitations have been sent! The routines are being practiced! The HCG GfA Winter Festival is coming soon.....

Join us to celebrate all things GfA this 10th and 11th of August!
* Gymnastics * Trampoline & DMT * Tumbling * AeroGym *

Your gymnast has already been working towards routines during their classes this term and will be able to polish those routines in the first few weeks of Term 3. Coaches will advise the gymnasts level and apparatus used.

Entry Fee
$40 for 1st code, $20 for each additional code/gymsport. The entry fee will be added to your account if you accept this invitation. If you wish to enter your child please confirm this invite by the closing date of Sunday 21st July – please note we cannot accept late entries.

A final timetable will be sent out following the close of entries.   We will not know until entries close what time your child's session will be as it depends on how many entries we receive for each level.  For this event we also invite GfA gymnasts from other clubs to participate.

Door Charges
$5 per Adult Spectator, children free.
Cash & EFTPOS available (1 machine only)

Members = check your email inbox for more information 

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